ExAMPLER Roadmap Workshop in Glasgow (by invitation only)

The "Roadmap to Agent-Based Modelling at Exascale" workshop on 29-30 April 2024, the Clarice Pears Building, University of Glasgow. This workshop follows on from visioning workshops that took place at the Social Simulation Conference (September 2023) and UCL (November 2023) to outline what needs to be done to bring those visions into reality. Attending the earlier workshops is not necessary to make a valuable contribution to the workshop at the University of Glasgow.

Provisional agenda:

29 April

10:30 Arrival, registration and coffee

11:00 Welcome and introduction to the workshop

11:30 Experts' experiences using high-performance computing with agent-based models

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Experts' experiences continued

14:30 Coffee

14:45 Workshop

  • Introduction by Michael Batty (CASA, UCL). Exascale requirements as identified in the previous 'visions' workshops; synergies with other areas – e.g. econometrics, microsimulation, housing and transport

15:00 Group work

  • What needs to be done to achieve parallelization / accelerator exascale Agent-Based Social Simulation?

15:30 Group discussion

  • Drafting a roadmap for exascale ABM

16:45 Wrap-up

17:00 Close of day 1

19:00 Workshop dinner, Kelvin Suite, Grosvenor Hotel

30 April

09:00 Arrival and coffee

09:30 Group work

  • How to get from here to there – migration of tools, development of new tools, processes for ABSS modelling?
  • Evolution of existing methodology into exascale ABM. Revolutionary ideas for changing how ABM is achieved at exascale. What are the science drivers for exascale ABM?

11:30 Coffee

12:00 Presentation of group work

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Plenary discussion and next steps

15:00 Finish

Event Date